Sunday, July 12, 2015

My blog has moved!

I want to thank every one of you who has visited and read my ramblings. I hope that you'll follow me over to my new and improved website, where you'll find everything there is to know about me and my writing.

Best to all!

BJ Bourg

Friday, July 3, 2015

The All 4 Run by Amanda Bourg

Today I completed the Virtual 4 Miler, the All 4 Run. I love virtual runs for two big reasons: convenience and motivation. I needed both today. I did not have the time to travel to an event and I needed to start running again. I had convinced myself over the last two months that the heat was just too oppressive for running, and it dramatically decreased my training.

I needed motivation and encouragement. Truth be told, I love bling, and I was determined to earn my medal!

I also want to be a marathoner. (Yes, that's on my bucket list.) I don't want to climb Everest or become a published novelist (my husband already beat me to this one, but I'm not a creative writer anyway). I'm a runner, and not a very great runner. I'm slow and not built for the sport at all, except in my aspirations. Marathon completion is not far-fetched, since about half a million people complete one each year. Kids have done it, and even people in their 90's. But this goal has eluded me for far too long.

BJ and I are registered for my first marathon (yes, he got dragged into it), which is 34 weeks from now. I have plenty of time, but I want to keep my soles on the pavement until my glory day arrives.

I finished the All 4 Run 4 Miler at a time of 52:59. When I got started at 7:30 AM, the temperature was 80 degrees with a dew point of 75 degrees. (I know, I should have started earlier, but it was a vacation day.) Oh, and what was BJ doing while I was running? Writing, of course. But he did take time out of his busy schedule to take this picture:

In closing, I want to thank Gone for a Run and my husband for the motivation today.

Amanda Bourg